Jewish ways to mark Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! What's that? Not feeling so happy about the state of the earth? Me neither.

Here's the thing though... Secular Synagogue is founded on the idea that we need "more joy, less oy" in our lives. That doesn't mean ignoring the problems of the world -- in fact it's the opposite. We know that people derive happiness, a sense of well-being, a feeling of flourishing, when they tackle the problems of the world. And so much the more so if we do it in community! When it comes to caring for the earth and combatting climate change, we have a lot of work to do. Humans created the problems of this world and only humans can solve them.

For Secular Synagogue's Mitzvah Monday challenge I asked folks to do a park clean up. Here's Courtney (on the admin team) rocking her bag o' trash:

Courtney earth day.jpg

This evening we are doing a community text study. This one is for members (our goal is to create genuinely connected community and so most of our programs aren't open to the public). However, I thought I'd share the text study sheet I created in case you want to get thinking about Jewish text and environmentalism on your own or with a study buddy:

What's next? the source sheet might inspire you to do a park clean up of your own. And what's more Jewish than to raise a little Hell? Write your government officials about environmental protections and a Green New Deal:




For a real "more joy, less oy" approach I strongly recomment the Minimum Viable Planet newsletter:

I bet you're feeling a little better already!

I am so grateful to be on this beautiful and sustaining planet. I want to help protect it. To me, that is connected to Jewish teachings on repairing the world (Tikkun Olam). Grateful also that I get to share this planet with you, roomie.

Wishing you a little less oy, a lot more joy, and the chance to experience awe in nature this Earth Day!

hug a tree.JPG