Hug a Tree!

Today is Tu B'shvat, the new year of the trees. For those of you, like me, living in very wintery conditions, it can seem like a strange time to celebrate nature and the blossoms and buds of trees. Of course, the holiday originated in the land that is now Israel/Palestine where it is more spring-like now. I, however, really enjoy celebrating this holiday during this time of year -- it reminds me that although things seem dark and desolate now, spring is coming, the days are lengthening, and there is a hopefulness symbolized by the cycles of the season.

We are in some tough times now, but vaccines are being rolled out, social justice movements are ramping up, and I feel that better times are ahead. I really do.

This month Secular Synagogue's theme has been teva - nature, corresponding with this tree-celebrating holiday and the Jewish environmentalism/advocacy that comes with it. We are sharing resources, tips on how to be more ecologically responsible, and engaging in advocacy for a more sustainable world (hello Green New Deal, bye bye Keystone XL).

I encouraged Secular Synagogue members to spend more time in nature and to, literally, hug a tree.

I've been called a tree-hugger before and, I say, bring it! Hugging trees is proven to reduce cortisol (stress hormones) in the body and calm the "monkey mind" (a mind that can't seem to switch off). It offers a still and mindful moment in a chaotic world.

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog about how our multitasking-heavy world offers little time and space for mindfulness. Oh, how that has become more true now that we are in Covid-times and my children zoom-bomb my work meetings, sometimes without wearing pants.

These are hard times for sure but it is helping me to intentionally create mindful moments, get outside no matter the weather and connect with nature and, crucially, to stay connected to our beloved Secular Synagogue community, a small, good thing in a big bad world and a place where we can meaningfully be connected even though geographically apart.

For our members, here's the link to our February calendar:

If you're not a member yet, the event on February 25th: Drunk History (Purim Edition) will be a fun evening, a collaboration between Secular Synagogue and the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism. It will feature an on-theme DIY cocktail, a rabbinic rap battle,and more. Details to come.

So, happy Tu B'shvat. Sending you lots of love. Hope to see your face soon!

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