Tisha B’Av and Tu B’Av: Destruction to creation; Hatred to Love


I hope you are well! I am feeling very well -- really enjoying summer. I finally feel like I'm coming out of a pandemic-length haze. I've been thinking a lot about how we recover from a year like the one we've just had. Thankfully, this year coming up is a Shmita (sabbatical) year -- a special invitation to rest and release. More info on how we prep for that soon!

I talk about it a bit in this week's Shabbat Live video. It's Shabbat Hazon/ Shabbat of Vision, which occurs just before the mourning holiday Tisha B'av. I am thinking about how we move from hatred to love; from destruction to creation. Check that out here: https://fb.watch/6NsePLUgxs/

I've been working on the High Holidays, next year's Secular Synagogue calendar and tons more. I'm very very excited for 5782 (the next Jewish year) and I hope to see lots of you!

I know in many places in-person events are happening soon. Some Secular Synagogue members are also part of communties that gather in person -- great! Some are not -- also great! You may be feeling like you want to be offline more, which I totally get. Shabbat, shmita, they're all about taking breaks, especially in our contemporary age I think breaks from screens are key. Annnnnnd some of us might actually really love gathering online and don't want it to end. Luckiliy, Secular Synagogue is always online, on purpose, using the digital space with intention in our intergenerational, international, and intersectional community. 

Registration for our new cohort of members opens towards the end of summer... stay tuned!

Take good care and happy summer!

Rabbi Denise

Denise Handlarski